Conditional Directives in Lightning Web Component

Today we learn about the lwc:if, lwc:elseif, and lwc:else conditional directives that are introduced in the Spring-23 release and how they replace the if: true and if: false directives.

  • Conditional directives in LWC are widely used in salesforce lightning app development in USA, which allows you to conditionally render or hide an element based on the value of an expression. The three main conditional directives in LWC are lwc: if, lwc: elseif, and lwc: else

lwc:if and lwc:else directive: –

  • The lwc:if the directive is used to conditionally render an element based on the value of an expression. The expression can be any valid JavaScript expression that evaluates to a boolean value. If the expression is evaluated to be true, the element will be rendered otherwise, it will be hidden.
  • The lwc:else directive is used to render elements if none of the conditions specified in the lwc:if and lwc:elseif directives are true.
  • The syntax for the lwc:if and lwc:else directive is as follows:

lwc:elseif directive: –

  • The lwc:elseif directive is used to render elements if the condition specified in the lwc:if the directive is false, and a different condition is true.
  • The syntax for the lwc:elseif directive is as follows:

Example: – How to insert an account object record using a Conditional directives lwc:if, lwc:else, and lwc:elseif
HTML Code: –

These are some of the best practices to follow when using lwc:if, lwc:else, and lwc:elseif in Lwc: – 

  • You can use template variables in the expression for lwc:if. A template variable is a placeholder for a value that you can reference in your component’s HTML template.
  • Be mindful of the order of elements: The order of elements in the HTML template matters when using lwc:if and lwc:else. Make sure to place the lwc:else directive after all of the lwc:if directives to avoid unexpected results.

Conclusion: – lwc:if, lwc:elseif, and lwc:else directives give a more coherent and simple syntax than the legacy if:true and if:else directives, and it is recommended to use them in your new development project.

Zapier Custom Trigger Integration for Referral Reactor & Salesforce

In our previous blog on Dispatch-Salesforce integration, we demonstrated how to integrate Dispatch with Salesforce using Zapier. In this blog, we will discuss Zapier Custom Trigger Integration for Referral Reactor(Webhook) & Salesforce(REST API).

What is Referral Reactor ?

Referral Reactor is a referral management platform that allows businesses to track and manage their referral programs. A Salesforce Development Company in India uses Referral Reactor to easily track and manage referrals, set up and manage referral campaigns, and provide rewards to referral sources.

The platform integrates with a variety of other systems, including Salesforce, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to automate and streamline their referral processes.


Today we will discuss how to integrate Referral Reactor with Salesforce using Zapier.

The integration of Referral Reactor and Salesforce using Zapier can be done in a few simple steps. Firstly, businesses need to set up a Zapier account and connect both Referral Reactor and Salesforce to it. Then, they can create a Zap that automatically transfers data from Referral Reactor to Salesforce or vice versa.

For example, we can set up a Zap that creates a new Lead record in Salesforce when a new referral is created in Referral Reactor.

1. First we create a connected app in salesforce.

A Connected App in Salesforce is used to integrate external applications with Salesforce. To get the URL, client ID, and client secret key, you will need to create a Connected App in Salesforce.

1.1 Go to your Salesforce account and click on the “Setup” button.

1.2 In the left-side menu, search for “App Manager” and click on it.

1.3 Click on the “New Connected App” button.

1.4 Fill in the required information for the Connected App, such as name, contact email, and API name.

1.5 Under “API (Enable OAuth Settings)”, check the “Enable OAuth Settings” checkbox and enter a callback URL.

1.6 Click on the “Save” button.

1.7 Once the Connected App has been created, you can find the “Client ID” and “Client Secret” in the “Consumer Key” and “Consumer Secret” sections.

1.8 The URL can be found in the “Callback URL” section, which you entered in step 1.5.

2. Now we move to zapier.

Now first we create a “zap” in Zapier

1. Catch Raw Hook in webhooks by Zapier.

First, we understand how this action works in Zapier.

  • Catch Hook is a feature in Zapier that allows you to capture data from a webhook and use it as a trigger for your Zap. A webhook is a mechanism that allows you to send data from one application to another over the internet.
  • When you create a Catch Hook, Zapier provides you with a unique URL. You can send data to this URL from another application, and Zapier will automatically capture that data and use it as the trigger for your Zap.

2. POST in webhooks by Zapier.

How does this step work?

The “POST” action in a Webhook by Zapier is a type of HTTP request method used to send data to a server. In the context of Zapier, a POST request can be used to create a new record or update an existing record in an external application through a Zap. The POST action is typically used in the “Action” step of a Zap, and it requires a URL endpoint to be specified, along with any required headers and payload data that needs to be sent with the request. The response from the server can be used to trigger additional steps in the Zap or to pass data back to Salesforce or another app in the Zap.

In this step, when writing the URL, include the client ID and client secret obtained from the connected app inside.

3. Custom Request in Webhooks by Zapier.

What is the use of this step?

The Custom Request action in Webhook by Zapier allows you to make a custom HTTP request to an API. This action allows you to send data from Zapier to an external service or receive data from an external service to be used in a Zap. The Custom Request action can be used for a variety of purposes such as updating a database, creating a new entry, or retrieving data. It supports various HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. Additionally, it allows you to specify custom headers and payloads, giving you complete control over the format of the request being sent. The Custom Request action is a powerful tool that can be used to integrate Zapier with a wide range of APIs.

Here we use POST action.

The POST action in Zapier’s Webhook by Zapier action allows you to send data to a specified URL using the HTTP POST method. This is useful for triggering an action in another system or sending data to a third-party API. To use the POST action, you first need to specify the URL where you want to send the data. Then, you can configure the data that you want to send using the Body field. The Body field allows you to specify a JSON payload or other data format that will be sent in the body of the HTTP POST request. You can also use variables from previous steps in your Zap to dynamically generate the data that is sent. Once the Zap is triggered and the POST action runs, the data will be sent to the specified URL and can be used to trigger an action or update information in another system.

In this step, in the data variable of the Zap, select ‘Raw body’ obtained from the first step and add ‘Authorization’ with the value ‘Bearer [access token obtained from the second step of the Zap]’. The URL should be the base URL followed by ‘/services/apex/rest/contact’, which will call the Apex class annotated with ‘@RestResource(urlMapping=’/contact/*’)’. This data will be passed to the Apex class, where a new Lead record will be inserted in Salesforce using the information provided.

This is the Apex class used to create a Lead record.

global without sharing class referralreactor {
    global static string createContact() {
        Contact con= new Contact();
        RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
        String body = '';
        body = (String)JSON.deserializeUntyped(RestContext.request.requestBody.toString());
        ReferralJSON2Apex listLoc = (ReferralJSON2Apex)JSON.deserialize(body, ReferralJSON2Apex.class);
        RestResponse res = RestContext.response;
        if( != null && != ''){
            List accountList = new List();
            accountList = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id =: OR Referral_Account_Id__c =:];
                List newLeadList = new List(); 
                List newContactList = new List();
                List existingContactList = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Name =:];
                }else {
                    List customerActList = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name =: 'Customer' LIMIT 1];
                    Lead leadRecord = new Lead(FirstName =' ')[0],
                                               LastName =' ')[1],
                                               Phone =,  State = 'TX', City = 'N/A',  Country = 'United States',Street = 'N/A', PostalCode = 'N/A');
                    insert newLeadList;
                List newRefContactList = new List();
                List newRefLeadList = new List();
                List existingRefContactList = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Name =:];             
                } else {
                    Lead leadRecord = new Lead(FirstName =' ')[0],
                                               LastName =' ')[1],
                                               Phone =, State = 'TX',     City = 'N/A',  Country = 'United States',Street = 'N/A', PostalCode = 'N/A');
                        insert newRefLeadList;
                    return 'Success';
            catch (Exception e) {
                return e.getMessage() + e.getLineNumber();
        }else {
            return 'Please Provide Account Details !';
        return '';


In this blog, we discussed the steps to integrate Referral Reactor with Salesforce using Zapier. We explained the process of creating a Connected App in Salesforce to obtain the necessary URL, client ID, and client secret key. Then, we walked through the steps of creating a “zap” in Zapier, including setting up a Catch Hook, making a POST request, and using a Custom Request in the Webhooks by Zapier action. By following these steps, businesses can automate the transfer of data between Referral Reactor and Salesforce, streamlining their referral processes. With this integration, businesses can efficiently track and manage their referral programs, set up referral campaigns, and provide rewards to referral sources.

Integration of and Salesforce using Zapier


In today’s fast-paced business world, it’s essential to automate and streamline as many tasks as possible. This is where Zapier comes in. Zapier is an online automation tool that enables you to integrate multiple apps and automate workflows, making it an incredibly valuable tool for businesses and individuals alike.


Zapier integrates with over 2,000 apps, so you can easily connect the tools you use every day. Whether you need to automate tasks in your CRM, email, project management, or another app, Zapier has you covered. As a reliable salesforce consulting company in India, we easily create Zaps that automate repetitive tasks so that you can focus on more important tasks.


We have a scenario in which we want to integrate Dispatch with Salesforce. To achieve this, we will create Zaps within Zapier. Dispatch has various jobs and we use Salesforce object records to create new jobs in Dispatch. Now, when a job record is completed within Dispatch, we want the corresponding Salesforce object record to be updated in Salesforce.

1. Open the dispatch application.
2. We aim to complete a job record in dispatch and then update the relevant salesforce object record accordingly.

3. This is a Salesforce object record. Using this record, our job was created in Dispatch.

In our case, we will create jobs using three Salesforce objects: Opportunity, Content, and Reconstruction. We have also created an external ID field in all three of these objects and populated it with the job ID. (We have already created a separate Zap to populate the job ID in this external field in all of these objects.)

4.  Now, we will create a Zap in Zapier that will help us update the above-mentioned Salesforce record when the desired job is completed in Dispatch.

4.1 The first step in our Zap is to capture the job in Dispatch. To do this, we must select the New Trigger Event in Zapier, which is named ‘New Event in Dispatch.’

When you attempt to retrieve data from Dispatch, Zapier will provide a webhook URL. You simply need to provide this webhook URL to support activating it for use with Dispatch.

4.2 The next step is to locate the relevant record in Salesforce. Steps 2, 3, and 4 will involve finding the record in all three corresponding Salesforce objects.

4.3 The fifth step in our Zap is to update the corresponding Salesforce object. When the job is completed in Dispatch, Dispatch will send a response to Zapier, and using this response, we will update certain fields in the Salesforce object. To do this, we will create a “Path” element within this step.

4.4 Within the Path, we will check which object record contains the completed job ID. Once we have found the object, then the next step is to update the Salesforce record.

5. To complete the job in Dispatch, please click the ‘COMPLETE’ button next to the job name.

6. When the job is completed, our Zap will run. If the Zap’s status is ‘success’, then the Salesforce record will be successfully updated. In this case, we will update the description field in the Salesforce object.

7.  Hurray! The record has been successfully updated.


In conclusion, the steps to integrate Dispatch and Salesforce using Zapier have been outlined. The process involves creating Zaps in Zapier and using Salesforce objects to create new jobs in Dispatch. When a job is completed in Dispatch, a response is sent to Zapier which updates a corresponding Salesforce object record. The process is completed by clicking the “COMPLETE” button in Dispatch, triggering the Zap to run, and updating the Salesforce record with success. This results in a successful update of the Salesforce record, allowing for seamless integration between Dispatch and Salesforce.

DocuSign eSignature Integration with Salesforce Lightning Flow

DocuSign is a company based in San Francisco, California that is considered by many to be the industry leader in electronic signature (e-signatures) technology. DocuSign’s software allows parties to sign contracts and other documents electronically rather than signing them with pen and paper. As a salesforce consultant in India, we use DocuSign to to sign contracts and other documents electronically. This eliminates the need for parties signing a contract to be physically present at the same location. The technology also provides important security protocols. Signed documents are uploaded and encrypted with a unique hash. The hash can later be compared to a document to ensure that no one has tampered with the contract or other uploaded document.

How to use DocuSign in flow with a custom button?

First of all, go to AppExchange and search for the DocuSign App.

Download and install it for all user

  1. DocuSign Configuration
    1. : Go to the app through the Nine dots icon or App launcher and search for DocuSign App Launcher and Select It.

    2. After selecting DocuSign, we will be able to see a Window like the below-given image and click “Sign up for free “.

    3. : After clicking on “Sign up for free”, the DocuSign Registration page will open, insert the correct information as per the requirement.
    4. After completing all steps a screen like the below given image is visible in the DocuSign Setup Tab.
    5. Go to ‘DocuSign Envelope Templates’ and upload the document which is needed to send for signature and click on the ‘Upload’ button.
    6. After uploading the document it will move to the next wizard for Recipients. There we need to Add Recipients to send Emails.
    7. After adding Recipients it will move to the next step Merge fields. So, Add Merge Field to set the salesforce field in the document if needed.

    8. In the ‘Place Fields’ step, we can customize the document just by dragging and drop of fields and signatures to the place we want.

    9. The ‘Options’ step will configure the templated by giving several options like Reminders that remind us to send emails on a particular date or time.
    10. In the ‘Custom Button’ step a button is created when we check the page layout checkbox, but in our scenario, a flow is called from the custom button so we can’t use the ‘Custom Button’ wizard. 

How to use DocuSign in the flow?

  1. First of all, create one class and Inviolable Method for calling flow action, the sample code is here.


    public class SendToReconstructions {
    public static List sendEnvelope(List record) {
    Reconstruction__c mySource = record.get(0);
    return Null;

    @future(callout = true)
    public static void sendEnvelopeInFuture(Id mySourceId) {

    public static Id createAndSendEnvelope(Id mySourceId) {
    dfsle.Envelope myEnvelope = dfsle.EnvelopeService.getEmptyEnvelope(
    new dfsle.Entity(mySourceId)

    Reconstruction__c rc = [SELECT id, contact__c FROM Reconstruction__c WHERE Id = :mySourceId LIMIT 1];

    Contact myContact = [SELECT Name, Email FROM Contact WHERE Id = :rc.contact__c LIMIT 1];

    dfsle.Tab mySignHereTab = new dfsle.SignHereTab()
    .withScale(1) // 1/2 scale
    .withRequired(true) // Signing is mandatory
    .withPosition(new dfsle.Tab.Position(
    1, // The document to use
    1, // Page number on the document
    500, // X position
    500, // Y position
    null, // Default width
    null)); // Default height

    // Create an anchor
    dfsle.Tab.Anchor myAnchor = new dfsle.Tab.Anchor(‘Acknowledgement’);

    // Create an Initial Here tab
    dfsle.Tab myInitialHereTab = new dfsle.InitialHereTab()
    .withRequired(false) // Signing optional
    dfsle.Recipient myRecipient = dfsle.Recipient.fromSource(
    new dfsle.Entity(rc.contact__c)
    .withTabs(new List { // Associate the tabs with this recipient
    myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withRecipients(new List { myRecipient });
    dfsle.UUID myTemplateId = dfsle.UUID.parse(‘438228d7-1c86-40c2-a37e-b7f855ee070d’);
    dfsle.Document myDocument = dfsle.Document.fromTemplate(
    ‘Services Framework Agreement’ );
    myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withDocuments(
    new List { myDocument }
    myEnvelope = dfsle.EnvelopeService.sendEnvelope(
    return myEnvelope.Id;

  2. Now to create flow go to Setup > Flow > New Flow > Auto launched Flow. Get records from objects as per the need

  3. Create one Variable to store the record id, which gets from the custom button URL

  4. Add a new element Apex Action and select the inviolable method class name and set the input value and select the variable name which was created in step 3 and click ‘Done’.

  5. Click ‘save as’ and Active the flow. Now we need to create a custom button that is when the user clicks on the button, Auto launched Flow is called and it sends an email to the current record. So, go to object manager and select ‘Buttons, Links, And Actions’, and set property like the below image.


  6. Now ­­­go to the page layout and set the custom button

  7. Now custom button is visible on the record page.





How to create Lightning Web Component (LWC) in VS Code

Visual Studio Code is the best and ideal tool/ IDE for Salesforce development. It is a popular development tool for its incredible productivity features. As a salesforce development company in USA, we widely use visual studio in our projects. We’ll explore some useful VS Code extension for Salesforce and how to configure, and customize it to use as a powerful tool for Salesforce Development.
 Installation of Visual Studio Code:-
Step 1: Install Visual Studio Code
The installation of Visual Studio Code depends on the platform. Go to the official website of Microsoft to install the Visual Studio Code.
Here click on the Free Download button and choose your platform for installation.

Step 2: Install CLI

CLI stands for Command Line Interface. Salesforce CLI provides a lot of commands to make life easy.  It creates different environments for development, testing, individual org for teams, and merging the code in a single org using scratch org and version control.
Copy the link for the installation of CLI

Step 3: VS Code

After downloading open the Visual Studio Code, you will see something like these.

Step 4: Extensions

Now click on VIEW and then EXTENSIONS or just click on the symbol of Extensions shown in the image below.

Step 5: Install Extensions

Type  Salesforce Extension Pack in the search box and click install

This pack provides features for working with the development org (scratch org, sandboxes, and DE org), Apex, Aura components, and Visualforce.
This extension pack consists of 9 extensions which are as follows:-

  1. Salesforce CLI Integration: This extension interacts with Salesforce CLI to provide core functionality.
  2. Apex: This extension provided syntax highlighting and code completion for Apex.
  3. Aura Components: This extension enables you to work on Aura components.
  4. Visualforce: This extension enables you to work on Visualforce Pages and Components just through your IDE.
  5. Apex Interactive Debugger: This extension enables you to debug your apex code from your IDE.
  6. Lightning Web Components: This extension supports and uses the HTML language server from VS Code.
  7. Apex Replay Debugger: This extension replays the apex execution from a debug log reference and helps in debugging the error in the apex code.
  8. Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) Validator:- This extension simplifies working with the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) and provides code completion, syntax highlighting, and validation with recommended tokens and utility classes.
  9. SOQL: This extension enables you to interactively build Salesforce Object Query Language(SOQL).

Step 6: Create a Project and connect with Org

  1. Click VIEW and then click Command Palette or else just press Ctrl+Shift+P
  2. Type -> SFDX: Create Project with Manifest and select Standard project.
  3. Enter the Project Name to create the folder and choose the location for the folder.
    As the folder has been created, we can see different files and folder which has been created through extensions.
  4. Connect the org:
    • Click VIEW and then click Command Palette or else just press Ctrl+Shift+P
    • Type -> SFDX: Authorize an Org, and select the required development org(project default, Production, Sandbox, Custom).
    • We selected Project Default, entered the Alias name, and choose the org to which we want to connect.
    • Now we can see the same Alias name at the end of the VS Code same as the image

Basic of Lightning Web Component:-

Lightning Web Component is the Salesforce implementation of that new breed of lightweight frameworks built on web standards.
Lightning Web Component is formed with the help of HTML, JavaScript, CSS(optional), and XML configuration files, which all define the metadata values for the component.

  • Naming Convention of File:
    • Must begin with a lowercase letter
    • Must contain only alphanumeric or underscore characters
    • Must be unique in the namespace
    • Can’t include whitespace
    • Can’t end with an underscore
    • Can’t contain a hyphen (dash)

Structure of Lightning Web Component:-

  • Create Lightning Web Component:
    • Click ‘VIEW’ and then click ‘Command Palette’ or else just press ‘Ctrl+Shift+P’.
    • Type ->SFDX: Create Lightning Web Component
    • Enter the file name as -> firstHelloLWC_Component
    • Choose ‘force-appmaindefault’ as a directory.
      It will create an LWC component.
      Our LWC component by default has 3 files: .html, .js, and meta.xml.
  • .html file:
    • .html file contains all the markups, normal HTML tags, lightning tags, as well as lightning component elements inside the tag.
    • Code:

      Hello, {greeting}!

  • .js file:
    • As LWC is using the core concept of web standards, and JavaScript is the main programming or scripting language to handle web applications. It defines business logic and event handling like On click of a button, on-page load, getting data from Salesforce object, etc.
    • Code:

      import { LightningElement } from ‘lwc’;
      export default class FirstHelloLWC_Component extends LightningElement {
          greeting = ‘World’;
        this.greeting =;
  • .xml file
    • Each Lightning web component folder must include a configuration file named .js-meta. XML. The configuration file defines the metadata values for the component, including targets and the design configuration for the Lightning App Builder and Experience Builder.
    • We set to deploy components for different pages like the App page, Record page, etc.
    • Code:
  • Deploy LWC component to Org:
    • Right-click on the folder and select ‘SFDX: Deploy Source to Org’.
  • Add this component to the Lightning home page:
    • App launcher -> Sales -> Home tab -> Setup -> edit page > find ‘firstHelloLWC_Component’ in custom list > drag it to page > save > activate
    • Our ‘firstHelloLWC_Component’ component can be seen below in the image.

How to take help from ChatGPT for Salesforce Apex Code


       Problem Statement: “We were facing an issue in the test class (this test class follows the Apex Enterprise Patterns). We tried to cover the code coverage but somehow, we didn’t achieve test code coverage after that I got the idea of using ChatGPT.
So, we asked about the error that we were facing, it gave the sample code and I tried that code and it resolved the issue.”
        How we used ChatGPT: You can see the below screenshot.

            Conclusion: ChatGPT is really helpful even for complex scenario (if we could make it understand what we’re actually looking for) that is hard to find on google and directly provides answer to the problem statement (saving our time of toggling between blogs for finding the optimize solution).


       Problem Statement: “I was trying to get a specific word from a sentence (not substring). I first tried this with the flow but I haven’t found a way to achieve that, so, I searched on google, how to achieve this with the flow.
But it seems like google didn’t even understand my question and was showing results only related to fetching a substring from a string and not a single word from an entire sentence.
Finally, I went to ChatGPT for help and it straight-forward told me that it is not possible via Flow rather this can be achieved by writing custom code and showed me the below code.”
         How we used ChatGPT: You can see the below screenshot.

          You can use the below code.

          Conclusion: Using Chat GPT we resolved one more issue. Chat GPT gave the sample code, after which we optimized that code and resolve that issue. So again it is helpful.

Creating personalized customer journeys with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

The Marketing Cloud is one of the most popular Salesforce platforms, geared toward marketers that want to maximize their return on investment (ROI) by knowing customers and providing them with what they want. This blog will focus on the Marketing Cloud and its specifics.
The Marketing Cloud puts the customer at the centre of every interaction. The customer has a complete choice over what, when, where, and how a brand interacts with them. Managing that customer relationship using standard means becomes quite challenging. At that point, our Salesforce Marketing Cloud Services come into play.

Salesforce highlights the benefits of its Marketing Cloud platform as below:

A deep understanding of the consumer: Marketing Cloud allows you to connect data from many sources and devices to acquire a single unified view of the customer. You will also be able to acquire and activate data from third parties.
Artificial intelligence customization: Marketing Cloud can be integrated with the Einstein tool for limitless possibilities, allowing AI to coordinate interactions. As a result, the platform drives personalized consumer communications. Moreover, this Salesforce marketing platform maintains interest and awareness throughout the journey (a two-way real-time interaction), and recommends information to provide each consumer with the right action.
Impact analysis: Using artificial intelligence and the digital tool Google Analytics 360, the Marketing Cloud gets the ability to measure each customer’s journey across several channels and devices. The Marketing Cloud has services for both B2B (when the customer is another firm) and B2C (when the customer is a consumer). Unified data sources, channel customization, the capacity to interact at any point in the customer relationship, and campaign performance measurement are some of the significant benefits of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Services.

Tools that make the Marketing Cloud exceptional

The Marketing Cloud from Salesforce enables the creation of personalized content for each consumer across any channel, including email, web or mobile advertising, e-commerce, and even social media or user communities.
In addition to being integrated into the Salesforce ecosystem, the Marketing Cloud comprises all of the following products:

  • Salesforce Journey Builder—creates personalized customer journeys across many channels.
  • Email Studio-assists in creating personalized email marketing campaigns.
  • Social Studio-designs personalized programs that convert our social media following into leads.
  • Mobile Studio-offers marketing engagements via SMS, push notifications, and group messaging, allowing us to leap mobile devices.
  • Audience Studio-collects data from any source and consolidates it into a single location. The Audience Studio creates appealing material for the audience by achieving the “social listening” goal. This covers digital advertising and assists in discovering the Salesforce solution for managing the acquisition, retargeting, and alignment efforts for your target audience.
  • Datorama- This is the central hub where data is monitored via a dashboard, helping the user demonstrate an understanding of how business growth can be boosted, keeping in mind several metrics such as ROI.
  • Interaction Studio– a tool for visualizing and connecting with customers in real-time through any interaction.
  • Data Studio-is an effective tool for discovering a company’s audience, acquiring data, and taking control of that data. This is an exceptional tool for increasing revenue through the use of important data.
  • Google Analytics 360- Marketing Cloud platform integrates this product from Google, allowing users to use all customer insights to better understand them and get more from marketing actions.
  • Pardot- designed for B2B companies, Pardot makes marketing automation easier for sales teams to use when closing deals and building valuable relationships.

You should utilize Marketing Cloud if your company:

  • Prefers transactional purchases and short sales cycles
  • Needs to assemble massive volumes of behavioural data from several sources
  • Wants to segment contacts based on different datasets that are not stored in your Salesforce organization’s primary database
  • Have an internal marketing team that is fairly tech-savvy

Wrapping up
The Marketing Cloud’s efficiency is outstanding when used as a complete studio suite. Also, you become unstoppable when you combine it with add-ons like SalesWings for Marketing Cloud (lead scoring, sales intelligence, alerts, and behavioral tracking). According to Salesforce data, organizations using Marketing Cloud saw a 43 percent improvement in marketing campaign ROI, a 44 percent increase in lead volume, and a 46 percent faster campaign deployment. These stats depict higher productivity and profitability levels. However, your marketing is unique, and not every studio will be a good fit for what you want to achieve. Therefore, we suggest you understand each Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool as a separate product. Examine where you want to focus your marketing efforts, assess your strengths and weaknesses, and utilize the knowledge in this blog to select Marketing Cloud Studios that will reach your clients through the preferred channel.

Salesforce Pardot: What is it?

Pardot is Salesforce’s B2B marketing automation tool. It is an ideal solution for enterprises that sell to other companies (B2B). As a leading salesforce development company in India, we use Pardot to help businesses automate their marketing efforts and bring marketing and sales departments closer together.

Lead Generation

Landing pages are an excellent way to add new names to your database of people interested in your products and services. Creating an appealing and engaging landing page is simple in Pardot using templates with forms in no time. Especially for beginners, the visual editor feature is hands-on to get started. Once you have mastered the basics, you may customize the landing page layouts by locking content regions for advanced customizations.

You can also leverage your website’s existing forms to feed data directly into Pardot or construct a new Pardot Form. Additionally, progressive profiling is supported using Pardot Forms. It’s simple—the more people return to fill out forms, the more information you get to capture. For instance, when someone fills out a form for the first time, you merely ask for their name and email address. When they return, Pardot recognizes them and enquires about their employer and job description. Therefore, they do not need the person to fill out a lengthy form with the same information every time. This helps you gather more information about each person in your database, allowing you to determine if they’re a hot or cold lead.

Lead Management

A ‘prospect’ in Pardot is a better word for who they are than a known lead or contact. Pardot assigns a score to each prospect (or lead) who does some sort of activity. Someone who visits a landing page and fills out a form, for example, receives 50 points. If the same prospect reads the email that was delivered automatically when they filled out the form and downloads your most recent whitepaper, they may receive an additional 10 points. Similarly, they get 20 points if they subscribe to your newsletter after that. By scoring prospect interactions in this way, you can detect the leads with higher ratings are more interested in your products or services. Further, based on it your sales staff can then take the necessary action.

Interestingly, if your prospects aren’t quite ready to commit or they’re still learning about you and what you have to offer, Pardot gives you the flexibility to nurture them as little or as much as you want.

You can also send emails automatically based on triggers in Pardot’s Engagement Studio, such as downloads, time gaps, actions taken on a landing page, and other custom parameters. To cope with dormant leads, you can build up a re-engagement program.

Email Marketing

The easy-to-use visual editor in Pardot’s email marketing tool allows you to swiftly create emails. It gives you the ability to send out appealing emails with the correct message at the right time. Thanks to the responsive, out-of-the-box templates, custom design possibilities, and Pardot Engagement Studio.

Create auto-responder emails for your landing pages and forms to ensure that your prospects receive the information they want in their inbox. You also have the feature to personalize your emails by including the recipient’s name and customizing the ‘from’ address. While adding a signature to correspond to a specific person in your organization, including material within the email that changes automatically based on prospect characteristics such as industry.

Another feature is to examine how prospects interact with your emails at every stage of the campaign with comprehensive email reporting. This is where you can view open rates, and click-through rates to know which prospects took action as a result of your emails, helping you to optimize each one over time.

For enterprises that use Salesforce CRM, one of the best features of Pardot email marketing is the ability to create beautiful email templates that your sales team can utilize to send a personalized one-to-one email directly to their hottest lead, ensuring warmth as prospects get closer to becoming customers.

Sales and marketing

Pardot integrates seamlessly with Salesforce CRM, bringing marketing and sales closer than ever. Salesforce allows your sales team to examine a complete prospect’s activity history against your leads and contacts. Your team can see if someone has received, opened, and clicked on a call-to-action in an email (or not), and which whitepapers have been downloaded. All of this information allows them to have a more personal interaction with the prospect.

It allows you to set up an alert to send an email to your sales staff. For example, when a prospect completes a certain action, such as filling out a form, or when their Pardot score reaches 100 points, sales have access to critical customer insights without interrupting their daily routine.

Your marketing team can evaluate and analyze campaign effectiveness, draw insights based on data, trace individual leads back to marketing efforts, identify which sales possibilities have been led by marketing activity, and see how much income you are creating for the business with this complete Pardot-Salesforce integration.

Artificial Intelligence

Salesforce’s AI technology is called Pardot Einstein. It may be used to analyze data from Pardot and Salesforce to help your sales and marketing teams prioritize work. Pardot Einstein requires a significant amount of data to get up and running, but with enough data in your system, you can get started quickly.

In the form of scores and insights, Pardot Einstein can automatically inform you what type of prospect most frequently engages with your campaign.

Lead Scoring identifies prospects that are most likely to become customers based on information from their personas, such as industry and seniority. You rate your leads using Einstein depending on how closely they match your company’s successful conversion and victory patterns. Traditional rules-based lead-scoring systems are more complicated, time-consuming, and inaccurate than predictive lead scoring.

Based on their behavior, Einstein Behavior Scoring notifies your sales team when prospects are ready to buy. You may save time and resources by adding this score to your Salesforce records so that your sales team can immediately prioritize and focus on the people who are most likely to buy.

Take away

The need for marketing automation to streamline and reduce complex marketing operations is critical in every firm as the world of marketing becomes more content-heavy and organizations demand that their marketing teams deliver faster.

If you’d like to learn more about Salesforce Pardot and how we can help your organization leverage it to generate more leads, engage existing customers, and integrate sales and marketing, please contact NSIQ INFOTECH or visit our profile on Designrush.