Integration Between Salesforce Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud

Marketing Cloud is mainly used for maintaining the customer information for sending email and tracking customer activity. With salesforce marketing cloud services, you can send emails directly from Salesforce via Marketing Cloud Connector and this email information is tracked in Salesforce. Integration is completed by mapping user from Marketing Cloud to Salesforce. To achieve successful integration between Marketing Cloud and Salesforce, please follow the steps below:
Integration Steps and Considerations:
Installing Marketing Cloud Connector Package:
- First, you should install the Marketing Cloud Package in your Salesforce sales cloud org.
- Use the following URL for the package installation.
Production org:
Sandbox org: - Login to your salesforce sales cloud account using your admin credentials and then select Install Admins only and click Install.
- Click the checkbox for “Yes, grant access to these third-party web sites”.
- Click Continue and After that, you should receive an email like the Marketing Cloud Connector Package was installed successfully.
- The managed package should show up in your Installed package under Setup > Apps > Packaging > Installed Packages. The Package name is Marketing cloud.
- After installing the package, you will need to gave some permissions and access.
Modify Page Layouts:
- Add this two ‘Marketing Cloud for AppExchange User’ and ‘Marketing Cloud for AppExchange Admin’ in User Page Layout additional information and enable both checkboxes. Also, ensure the profile has the ‘API Enabled’ permission.
- In Lead page layout add ‘Email sends’ and ‘Individual Email Result’ in related list and select visual force page and add the lead action in description information. Do the same steps for Contact object page layout.
- Select the ‘Marketing Cloud for AppExchange User’ and ‘Marketing Cloud for AppExchange Admin’ In additional information in your sales cloud user.
- Next, in Lead object and Contact object select the Email opt out field and in this select the field-level security and check the checkbox in visible for Marketing user profile.
- Now, create one permission set and assign this permission set to your sales cloud user. You have to create this permission set only for connection and authentication.
Configure the Marketing Cloud Connection
- In Marketing cloud gave the two roles to your MC user.
- Administrator
- Marketing Clous Administrator
- Now, in quick find box search salesforce Integration and click connect account, in this enter your sales cloud username and password.
- You just created the handshake between Marketing Cloud and your CRM org. That established a connected app relationship inside Salesforce CRM.
- Go back to your sales cloud org and in quick find box search connected app. In this select the salesforce marketing cloud and click edit policies. In Permitted Users select Admin approved users are pre-authorized, In IP Relaxation select Relax IP restrictions and select the Immediate expire refresh token.
- Scroll down to the page and in Manage permission set select the permission set which you will create before.
- Type Process Automation in quick find box and select the process automation setting. If the Default Workflow User is empty, click the lookup icon and specify a user with System Administrator permissions to be the default workflow user.
- Next type Session Settings in the Quick Find box and click Session Settings, Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Yes, that’s right, You don’t actually change any settings, but this is a necessary step for the configuration. If this step is not performed, the managed package wizard is not able to add IP allowlisting.
Marketing Cloud Connector Setup Wizard:
- In you sales cloud org go into the app launcher and in this select the Marketing cloud and there is the popup screen populated in this click the verify remote site and click ok.
- In next popup screen is about for Metadata API. Click start wizard to begin the setup wizard.
- Click Next to move forward and acknowledge you’ve saved the Session Security Settings.
- Click Next to acknowledge Field-Level Security information.
- Click Done to acknowledge the page layout update information.
- At the main Marketing Cloud Connector Setup screen, select I agree to acknowledge the automated changes and then click Configure Marketing Cloud Connector.
- Click Okay! to finish the setup wizard.
Connect to Marketing cloud within Salesforce CRM:
- In sales cloud org, go into the app launcher and in this select the Marketing cloud Click the connect to marketing cloud an enter your username and password and click login.
- If successful, you see a screen to configure Marketing Cloud Connect settings. Under the Account section on the page, select Email.
- In the Sends section, select all options.
- In the triggered sends select the all option and in the notification section enter the appropriate email address to receive any error messages from Marketing Cloud Connect.
- In the Tracking section, select appropriate options for your organization about the specific email tracking data that Marketing Cloud sends to the CRM system. Keep in mind that the choices you make for these can affect the overall storage of your CRM org.
- Click save setting and select at least one business unit from the Business Unit Management screen and click Save.
Marketing Cloud User Integration:
- In Marketing Cloud, hover over your name and select Setup.
In setup select user and in the status click integrate and enter your username for the CRM API user and click save setting.
- If successful, the Status updates to Integrated.
Finally, after completing all these step you can successfully integrate sales cloud with marketing cloud.
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